Hi! My name is John.
And this is my site.

Hope you enjoy :)

About me

My name is John Volpatti and I am a third year Industrial Engineering student at the University of Toronto.

I am keen on operations research and product management.

Outside the classroom, I like to read, go on runs, and play the piano!


TD Bank

Product Acquisition Intern

Summer 2020

Analyzed the efficacy of a multi-million dollar marketing campaign that ran early 2020 and provided recommendations for the 2021 initiative.

Created, developed and circulated materials that were critical in the launch of another marketing campaign targeting over 1 million people.

U of T

Research Intern

Summer 2019

Developed a database to store survey results and a program that converts the results from array into matrix form (using SQL and C).

Calibrated, stored and organized eye-tracking data and collected relevant information integral to the outcome of experiments.


Math Instructor

Summer 2018

Math Instructor to students between the grades of 1 and 12.

Assisted them with problems they had with worksheets and introduced new concepts and new methods to solve problems.


Hospital ED Simulation

November - December 2020

Simulated the Emergency Department (ED) of a hospital using Simio. My team and I designed the model from scratch (involving resources representing physicians for each ward) and compared alternative scenarios using the KN algorithm. We also used "fitdistrplus" in R to fit distributions to treatment time data.

Fake News

July - August 2020

My friends and I created a PyTorch-based program that can predict whether a news article is true or fake. Data was collected from Kaggle and preprocessed through our script. GloVe embeddings were used for words in each article and such embeddings were fed into an RNN (specifically a GRU), where the output was either true or fake. Our model was able to achieve a final testing accuracy of 98.8%.

Well, that's it.

Loved making this website and I hope y'all enjoyed!

Feel free to reach out to me at john.volpatti@mail.utoronto.ca or check out my LinkedIn or Github.

Check out the blog too!